I have started to work on version 0.2 but I have a small problem.

I have started having temperature problems on my PC as my processor has a basic fan and so far it was perfect and I never had any problems because I only used it for gaming.

 But now that I want to speed up the renders my PC is overheating a lot so I had to limit the capacity of the processor but now the renders take longer. I was thinking of saving up to buy a better graphics card but I think I need to fix the cooling first. This issue will not stop the progress of the game but it will limit my development speed. 

Please if you like the game support me on my Patreon or Paypal so I can raise the money to fix the ventilation of my PC.

My Patreon.


Public Version 0.3_b Pc and Android
May 18, 2022

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better cooling will definitely be something you need to consider, especially if you are going to get a better graphics card. Depending on the program you are using to make it with (HS2, AI Shoujo can be resource hogs, but DAZ is by far heavy on it, thus run your system a bit hotter), you need more than a basic cooling system, at least more than one fan in your computer.